Tap Tap…Is this thing on?


What can you say after more than a 3 year hiatus?

I don’t remember exactly what happened to throw me off course, but I do know that it involved a new laptop, which inexplicably refused to connect to my external hard drive, stored on which were all my beloved episodes of Growing Pains.

I tried to figure out the issue. And by try, I mean I Googled and tried everything within the realm of my technological ability (which, to be fair, isn’t much at all). Nothing worked. I gave up.

During this time, I also learned that streaming Growing Pains is next to impossible. Sure, I could’ve bought the three remaining seasons of Growing Pains, but who buys seasons of tv shows in this day and age?

So how did we get here? Truthfully, I wanted to recover a decade’s worth of my photos (also slumbering peacefully in my hard drive). I made a last-ditch effort that probably should’ve been my first effort: I bought a new cord to connect the drive to my laptop.


All my photos.

And, perhaps even more excitingly (for you, at least), ALL THE GROWING PAINS.

So now, as Fall sets in and days become colder, shorter and darker, all signs are pointing towards resurrecting this blog to finish what I started. I cannot promise it will be an episode a day, but I can promise that we will get through all 7 seasons of a show that has proven to be more than mildly problematic in this day and age. We won’t shy away from those problematic elements. No, we will call it as we see it.

Onward and upward. Here we go.

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