Season 4 Episode 20: Second Chance

Sandy is back for the first time in way too many episodes, despite the fact that Maggie comments that they’ve been spending tons of time together. When, Maggie, when have they been spending time together because I sure haven’t seen it!

Anyway, Carol and Sandy, who are still not boyfriend and girlfriend despite all this mutual time-spending, are heading out for the evening. They return home hours later after a fancy dinner followed by a college party, and only then does Sandy finally drop the ‘g’ word, as in girlfriend. Carol, we can see, is as smitten as she’s been since the good old Bobby Wynette days. Sandy also invites Carol to a dean’s lunch at his college the very next day, which apparently is a Pretty Big Deal in relationship steps, or so thinks Maggie when Carol tells her. No matter my own personal opinion (that I’d rather not attend a stodgy academic luncheon, thank you very much) things are very much looking up for Carol’s love life.

Until they’re not looking up.

The next day, Sandy never shows up to pick up Carol for the Dean’s lunch. Mike and Ben are giving Carol a hard time about it, as brothers do, because they assume she’s just been stood up.  Which isn’t funny at all, although I can appreciate that immature teenage boys might find it funny, but is still 100% better than the actual reason Sandy didn’t show up:  he’d been hurt badly in a car accident the night before.

Maggie and Jason rush Carol to the hospital to see Sandy, and it’s here we learn that Sandy and Carol had been drinking the night before. Yes, this is a ‘very special’ episode, but I promise you it’s much more heart-breaking than the average ‘very special’ episode. Stay with me here.

Anyway, not only is Sandy not looking so great, but he’s also going to be charged with driving under the influence. Whelp. This tells me Sandy had been drinking a fair bit, and also it seems that Sandy has had a pattern of driving drunk because he tells Carol he’s driven successfully after putting back way more booze. Yikes. I mean, but let’s be honest, most of when we were young either were that person or knew someone who was that person. When we are young, we think we are infallible. You want to be mad at Sandy for driving drunk, but he seems to have genuinely learned his lesson, as one is likely to do after wrapping his car around a tree.  Carol and Sandy know they’ve been given a second chance (yup, hence the episode title).

With that, Carol leaves Sandy to face the music with his parents, and Carol has to face her parents too because they don’t quite understand why Sandy drove his car into a tree either. Understandably, they are pissed and it’s one of the few authentic parental moments we’ve seen on Growing Pains. Because they are fired up, and I think we can all agree our parents would’ve been equally as fired up if we’d been drinking underage and then driven home with a drunk driver. You can also tell it’s coming from a place of love, and a realization that the accident could’ve just as easily happened with Carol in the car. Carol assures them that she has learned her lesson, that she and Sandy have both learned their lesson. It’s all quite emotional.

Carol and her parents head home to give Sandy time with his parents. The second they walk into the house, they see Mike hovering awkwardly in the doorway and you just know he’s got bad news to share. Carol, who only moments prior had been smiling and joking about visiting Sandy again that evening, seems to sense immediately that something is up.  And something is up, because Mike is about to break the worst news you can break to someone: Sandy had just passed away from internal injuries. I don’t know what to say about the rest of the episode, because honestly losing someone you love suddenly is not something to make light of. I’d normally be the first to mock any ‘very special episode’ but this is just not one I’m willing to mock.

Truth be told, I have been dreading this episode, because it’s always broken my heart. As a kid, I can distinctly remember finding it shocking. As an adult, I found my eyes welling with tears. So many other sitcoms tried the drinking/driving angle and most of those episodes, at worst, culminated in a near miss. Certainly, few shows were tackling drinking-driving deaths. Maybe it’s just that I have more compassion than I used to, or maybe it actually was a really moving episode; either way, this one hits me straight in the heart every time.

RIP Sandy whose-last-name-we-never-even-learned. As with all of Carol’s boyfriends, you were almost always absent from the show except in vague references. Still, we grew to love your character. I will fondly remember the scene in which you tucked yourself into a kitchen cupboard to hide from a raging Jason Seaver. Those were the good old days before your character was made a cautionary tale for driving drunk.  We will miss you.

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