Season 3 Episode 22: The Obscure Objects of our Desire

Brace yourselves. On the tails of a few bad-to-mediocre-at-best episodes, we’ve got ourselves a flashback episode. I have never been one for the flashback episode and they’re particularly painful when you’re condensing your series viewing into a daily process. It’s probably my own fault for watching episodes in such rapid succession, but it feels like I just watched all these episodes. So I’m not going to lie. I’m not going to watch this episode carefully because I don’t need to recap what I’ve already recapped, and you certainly don’t need to read it.

So here’s the quick and dirty: the Seavers are having a garage sale and clearing out a whole bunch of old stuff, including:

Yes, that was the entire episode. I have to say, skipping through this was rather refreshing. It might just become my new strategy when episodes get really dire!

What I’ve learned in this episode is:

  • Many Growing Pains episodes could have told the same story in 10 minutes
  • Season 3 is really struggling for content



One thought on “Season 3 Episode 22: The Obscure Objects of our Desire

  1. Pingback: Season 3 In a Nutshell – Growing Pains Episode-a-Day

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